PATENT PENDING - AUS NO: 2020255297 NZ NO: 781270
Cotter Crate Sheep + Lamb Handler
Qualifies for TAMS Grant
Option 1: Cotter Crate Standard Unit with 3-way drafting
Apply for:
1. Portable sheep handling race with wheels (incl footbath)
Reference cost: €3,847.75
Amount you should receive: €3,847.75 x 60% = €2,308
Option 2: Cotter Crate Standard Unit with 3-way drafting + weigh bars
Apply for:
1. Portable sheep handling race with wheels (incl footbath)
Reference cost: €3,847.75
2. Sheep weighing scales
Reference cost €826.89
Amount you should receive: (€3,847.75 + €826.89) * 0.6 = €2,805
Option 3: Cotter Crate Standard Unit with 3-way drafting + weigh bars + EID reader
Apply for:
1. Portable sheep handling race with wheels (incl footbath)
Reference cost €3,847.75
2. Sheep weighing scales
Reference cost: €826.89
3. EID tag reader and software
Reference cost: €710
Amount you should receive: (€3,847.75 + €826.89 + €710) * 0.6 = €3,230
Option 4: Cotter Crate Standard Unit with 3-way drafting + weigh bars + EID reader + SmartWorm software
Apply for:
1. Portable sheep handling race with wheels (incl footbath)
Reference cost: €3,847.75
2. Sheep weighing scales
Reference cost: €826.89
3. PDA EID reader and management software package
Reference cost: €1,820
Amount you should receive: (€3,847.75 + €826.89 + €1,820) * 0.6 = €3,896
PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER. Send A 50% deposit to order, remaining 50% due on delivery.
To place an order, forward 50% of the cost of your selected Cotter Crate model (as shown above) to the following bank account:
Account Name: Cotter Agritech Limited
Bank Address: Bank of Ireland, The Square, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, Ireland
IBAN: IE90 BOFI 9041 3026 6700 29
SWIFT/Sort Code: 90-41-30
Account Number: 26670029
We will confirm receipt of the deposit by email and will put your order into production.
Why own a Cotter Crate? 'cause it makes life easy!
Handling sheep is physically demanding. Many farmers suffer back & knee strain which impacts on their ability to continue doing sheep work. Sheep farmers are turning to sheep handlers to make life easier & reduce labour.
The COTTER CRATE eases the physical burden from Sheep+Lamb handling and allows farmers carry out multiple tasks at the same time because it's so fast and easy. It gives you the tools to do everything you need to do - reducing the time spent handling sheep and the number of handling events.
What's Included
Every crate includes the following:
- Lead in ramp
- Anti-backing flaps
- Clamp section
- XL side
- Dose holder
- Extension platform
A one year complimentary subscription of the SmartWorm TST app is also included.
Lead time is 10-12 weeks from receipt of 50% deposit.
Delivery is by palletised freight and is INCLUDED in the cost for Ireland and the UK. The cost of delivery is EXCLUDED for all other regions (delivery quote can be provided in advanced of ordering). The crate is shipped on 2x double euro pallets.
The unit comes fully assembled and ready to operate unless otherwise advised. Follow our video tutorials for optimal set up and operation guides.
Which Cotter Crate is right for me?
Who its for: ideal for small flockowners who just want to make handling their sheep and lambs easier, faster and safer.
Benefits: ease the physical burden from handling sheep, take yourself out of the drench race for easier and safer work that requires less effort. Get more done in the same amount of time, reducing the number of times you have to handle sheep throughout the year. Less handling means less stress on the sheep, and increases growth rates from reduced time spent in yards and more time where they should be, in the paddock.
Included - onramp with 2 sets of anti-backing flaps, clamping section, XL side wall, dose holder and extension platform.
Who its for: those wanting to use weight as a means of ensuring optimal slaughter times and increase profit. Also, those performance recording sheep for genetic improvement.
Benefits: enables it to be used with the Automed gun's weight based drenching mode which delivers up to 20% reduction in medication use. It also enables the use of the SmartWorm TST app which identifies which lambs should be dosed/not dosed for worms in real time. Using these tools increases the speed and size of a return on investment on a Cotter Crate.
Included: 4 weigh bars fitted in the mid frame of the crate with two cable ends. Cables are standard issue and are compatible with all major weigh head brands (TruTest, Gallagher, Te Pari, Shearwell etc.).
NOTE: if purchased with a new unit, the bars come already fitted and ready to use. If buying for a previously purchased unit, the weigh bars can be retrofitted. This requires a service call. Please contact us by email for a quote.
Who its for: Those looking to make tasks like weaning, culling, replacement selection and drafting of fit lambs quick and easy.
Benefits: having this facility means all the jobs you need to do at key times of the year can be completed in one pass through the crate, rather than having to handle sheep multiple times to complete tasks. This makes you more efficient, reduces stress on the sheep and gets them back to the paddock faster compared to a traditional drench race. This achieves higher weight gains, shortens your days to slaughter and reduces farm carbon footprint.
Included: bolt-on drafting door for the Cotter Crate + offramp.
NOTE: If purchased with a new unit, the drafting is already assembled to the crate and is ready to use. Drafting can be added to a previously purchased crate without needing a service call. The offramp comes fully assembled and ready to use. The bolt-on drafting door can be easily fitted in a few minutes by following a short video tutorial.
We offer 4 different mobility options:
1. Fixed unit
To be bolted into handling yards
2. Hand wheel kit
Four (4) wheels for the onramp, two (2) for the offramp, and the wheel kit for the crate to facilitate movement by hand
3. Small road-legal trailer
L = 4,65 m W = 1,90 m. Enough space to move the Cotter Crate full system only. Approved for all European roads (CoC). The crate is bolted to a frame that can slide from the trailer. The trailer works with the help of a tilt system. It takes only a few seconds to slide the frame with the attached crate from the trailer. The frame can be winched onto the trailer using a winch system. The trailer is unrestrained and has a maximum permissible weight of 750 kg, meaning you can tow it with a regular car licence.
4. Large road-legal trailer
L = 5,95m W = 1,90m. Same design but larger trailer which has sufficient space for the full crate system plus up to twenty four (24) 7ft hurdles and one (1) 7ft diamond gate for making a mobile yard. Approved for all European roads (CoC). The trailer is restrained and has a maximum permissible weight of 1350 kg.
What customers think
Hear from Steven Johnston from Ballymena, Co. Antrim on his 3 favourite things about the Cotter Crate.
What MORE customers think
Hear from Ger Harney from Ardrahan, Co. Galway on what he loves about the Cotter Crate.
Trusted by the industry
Cotter Crate is used by some of Ireland and the UK's best sheep farmers

Frequently asked questions
Lead time
Current lead time is 10-12 weeks from receipt of a 50% deposit
Warranty and Returns
The Cotter Crate comes with a best-in-class 10 year warranty.
We do not accept returns of goods except under warranty conditions or otherwise agreed.
Read more here
Where to buy
All Cotter Crates are sold directly by us. No dealers mean we can offer a highly competitive price and deliver the highest level of customer service.